First Nation Infrastructure Investment Plan tasks for WBAFN:
- Monitor and identify the infrastructure needs from various sources ie. condition reports, annual inspection reports, etc.
- Maintain a database of infrastructure needs – identification, scoping, prioritizing, life cycle costing, O&M requirements, etc.
- Assist in long and short term infrastructure planning – 5 year planning, 20 year planning
- Review and advise on AANDC reporting procedures and requirements (including CEAA) – monitor for changing requirements, ensure data accuracy, etc.
- Prepare certificates of completion for FNIIP projects – post project reporting
Major Capital Projects:
Monitor major capital needs and identify project requirements
Assist in preparation of project submissions including terms of reference for consultants and funding applications
Assist in project reporting ie. status reports, completion certificates, inspection reports, etc.
Monitor and advise on level of service standards (LOSS)
Monitor and advise on building, fire, and other related codes
Monitor and advise on policies related to infrastructure (ie, tendering policy, housing policy, committee development and participation