WBAFN is seeking Technical Administrator for the Waabnoong Bemjiwang Operator Network Advisory Group (WBONAG). This individual will work under the Project Coordinator and with the certified operators of the communities with communal water and wastewater systems to maintain the water systems. This position is to provide support and administration to the existing operators and WBONAG.
For a complete job description and inquiries regarding this position, contact Mike Murray at 905-628-9170 or email mmurray@d-t-s.ca
Click here to view full posting: WBONAG Technical Administrator posting
Please send your resume with a cover letter and three employment references to:
Irvin George
Waabnoong Bemjiwang Association of First Nations
368 Pickerel Lake Road.
Pickerel, ON P0G 1J0
Phone: 705-857-0442 Fax: 705-857-0447
Email: irvin.george@wbafn.com